The ‘state of the avenues’ has been brought to our attention as people have shared concerns that they are difficult to drive down.
We have discussed the issues at great length at a number of committee meetings and various options have been looked at. We did hire a JCB a few years ago and the avenues are worse for it rather than better. Laying concrete or tarmac will bring with it its own problems and is therefore not deemed to be worth the initial expense.
Obviously potholes need to be dealt with and it is actually the tenant’s responsibility to fill in the potholes outside their allotment. To this end, we have bought large bags of hardcore and will be purchasing a tamp rod for people to use. This will be available on Saturdays but will also be available at other times to suit you if you contact Phil about it.
Please remember that you should only be driving at 5mph and that they are not classified roads
However, we are always open to suggestions so if you are not happy with this, please contact Rachel (politely!) and suggest what we could do to improve them.
Do make use of the carparks – cars should only be parked outside allotments if you are unloading/loading for as short a period as is possible.