As you probably know we carry out a work party every 3rd Saturday each month 10am-12noon. This enables us to maintain general areas on the site and handle projects for the site.
We’ve jotted don below a list of work party dates for this year, so that you can scribble these in your diaries should you be to help. If you are able to offer your support on one of the dates for just a couple of hours, it all helps.
Plus you get a lovely cuppa and cake afterwards!
19th April
17th May
21st June
19th July
16th August
20th September
18th October
15th November
Into the the winter months, it is weather permitting, so cancellation notices will be emailed or posted on site to advise of this.
Projects that will be coming up are:
1. Compost Toilet – small car park
2. Shop roof repair
3. Painting of noticeboards woodwork
4. Construction debris removal
5. General maintenance – pot hole filling, mowing of grass on lanes, boundary hedge trimming, etc.
If you have any specific skills that could help to support some of the bigger projects please email Louise Walton or Phil Clare the Chairperson, so this work can be planned more specifically.
Shop Rota
The Whitemoor shop is open to the site and public on a Saturday morning for a couple of hours – this really needs two people all of the time – currently this support is provided through the committee.
However if there is anyone out there who is happy to help, even just once a month, Hilary would be delighted for your assistance. Once again please contact Louise or Phil
Thank you for your continued support!