Tyres and Fires! 13/5/2016

We’ve had some issues over the last week or two with fires and also tyres and other rubbish.

Will all tenants please note that bonfires should not be lit if the wind is blowing towards the houses on Western Boulevard (ring road) or Wilkinson Street. If the wind changes once you’ve lit a bonfire towards the houses, then it should be extinguished. The Fire Service has been called on more than one occasion recently and there have been complaints from local residents, so we ask all tenants to please show consideration and common sense e.g. if you do decide to have a bonfire, please make sure that the material is properly dry first. One tenant was evicted last year for leaving a fire unattended which then spread to neighbouring plots.

Tyres should not be brought on to the site at all and nor should any household or business rubbish. Two skips are provided each year for new tenants and existing tenants to help keep plots clear of rubbish, but these are not for household or business waste. We inspect every plot in spring and summer and non-garden rubbish is one of the things we check – we are required to keep the site tidy and rubbish free as part of our lease with the City Council. Please observe this and help us keep Whitemoor Allotments in the best condition.

If you have help from friends and relatives with your plot, then you must also ensure they understand the rules above. Thank you.

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