Please don’t be afraid – the allotments are open and a great place to be! How blessed are we to have hedged-off spaces to escape to. I might even grow some food this year! However, we do need to be wise and exercise some caution. We have discussed various things amongst the committee and will send out a letter and email in due course with some updates outlining a few important things. However in the mean time please try and remember the following things:

1) Think about the communal lock. Either sanitise your hands before and after or wear gloves or have a cloth with you. The same goes for the compost toilet.

2) Please do not enter other peoples’ allotments unless they invite you in there and then

3) Please keep a good distance away from people

4) Do smile at each other and wave

The shop will remain open for as long as is viable but we will be managing the space carefully.

Please look out for each other and help, encourage and inspire each other in this time of isolation.

If you are struggling, please email me at the whitemoor secretary account or call the site phone and leave a message and I will get back to you.

Stay safe, think about others’ safety and enjoy the gardening…